Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Vision and the patience of Job

It takes vision to see something through. Literally, it takes eye site, and an ability to see beyond what is physically present in front of you.

Today was a long day, and my legs ache from the amount of work that I did, but I can't complain. When I think about moving into this new place, my heart feels happy. I don't think I ever mentioned that the shack is particularly dark due to the placement of the few windows it actually has. The new place has I think about 12 windows that let the glorious sunlight in.

The rabbit lady moved another bunny down to the garage this evening, and she swept up more hay. Now half of the room is nearly clean. And, I have to say that through this process we are building a trust with our new landlord. I think it took her so long to actually allow us to get into the apartment because of her fear of what we would think of her. By us allowing her to move at her own pace, but also gently pushing her forward, she has started to share with me little pieces of things about her life.

I've been thinking more and more that this place, this apartment is a great opportunity for us financially. But, even more so, sometimes God places us in the lives of people for a reason. I'm feeling like this is one of those situations. Who knows what is in store. I have no expectations, other than creating a home in our little apartment over the rabbit lady's garage and becoming debt free. How our relationship with the rabbit lady unfolds is yet to be seen. But, I do have a vision for it.

1 comment:

  1. God certainly knows who He can use and where. You are Daddy's mush heart buried in Mommy's task mind; and Mommy's helper/hospitality heart buried in Daddy's warrior attacking-all-obstacles personality. Truly the best of both, and more importantly -"that the world might see Jesus." I love you - amazed by the talents and all you do, but really humbled by who you are.
