Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The water that broke the camel's back

Water. Simple. To the point. And why does it always seem that you need water when you are without? Our landlord had work done on her pool. Like, a TON of work done on the pool. It was completely drained, power washed with acid, and re-tiled. "Momma, look! The pool is clean!" my two year old cheered as we walked up the stairs one day after school. I had to laugh. We spent most of the summer staring at green water. For some reason, maintaining the correct pH balance for clean and clear water seemed to be impossible for our landlord. We certainly swam in the pool and tried to ignore the fact that it looked more like a pond rather than a beautiful inground swimming pool. Hey, who wouldn't in 98 degree summer heat?! Anyways, the problem with emptying a huge pool of all its water is that sooner or later, it needs to be filled again. So, on one beautiful Saturday morning as I covered my hands with soap and reached to turn on the water, I was shocked to find we had no running water coming out of our sinks. Needless to say, I was NOT happy. My hubby later explained that when the hose is on so that the pool can be refilled, the water pressure for our apartment goes way down. WHAT??? "It's only for a week," he replied. But, I knew better. One week can easily turn into 4 weeks.

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