Sunday, February 7, 2010

All Quiet on the Country Front

Day three of being snowed in by myself, and I feel a sense of renewed hope. Perhaps it's because the snow stopped falling and the sun is shining; or because the beautiful white snow amidst the brilliant blue sky is breathtaking. Perhaps it's the e-mail my hubby sent me letting me know that he needed me and would be home sometime tonight. Maybe it was hearing the knock on the front door and seeing two men in reflective safety vests standing on my front porch, only to realize that one was my husband...braving the slightly plowed country road to make sure I was okay.
Wearing my pjs and a bathrobe, my glasses, no make up, and carrying the baby in only her diaper, I gladly created him and his coworker at the door.

Yes, I've spent the last three days by myself in our shack with only the baby and the dog; occasionally talking with Glenn, or my parents, or in-laws, or a friend on the phone. Alone but not truly alone. In the midst of the storm, He speaks. He comforts. He gives grace to the weary, and He gives strength to make it through.

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