Friday, February 5, 2010

December 14, 2009

Today I've been thinking about how we constantly live in a state of total chaos. I'd have to say that I'm not the cleanest person out there...okay, I admit it. The word slob would probably fit me well, which is so ironic because I was raised by a woman who mandated chores, had two days a week where we cleaned the whole house, and was a literal iron sergeant. She'd stand next to me for hours until I ironed all of the clothes perfectly. Is it a shock that I literally iron nothing as an adult? I love my mom and how clean she kept everything. I don't know why that didn't transfer to me. I'm just saying, it doesn't take that long to clutter up 490 square feet.

My hubby has been a designing genius around this place. He built shelves, propped up my piano on PVC pipe (yeah, my piano has been pimped out), and created a coat shelf/closet for us. Still, I find myself cramming more and more unsorted boxes into our one and only clothing closet. I feel like God is cleaning us out...what I mean by that is, we are down to the bare bones. We have simplified our lives. We only have what we can live with and need at this point. Everything is out in the open, and if you want to get away from this place (or your spouse), you have to go outside into the open. Maybe that's the point. We are supposed to live our lives out in the open, hiding nothing. What you see is what you get. And that's how it's supposed to be with our finances. Out in the open, not afraid to say, we have no credit cards, we are working to pay off our debts, and someday in the next two years, we'll be debt free. We are in control of our money, it doesn't control us.
It took going through a short sale and moving into 490 square feet to bring Glenn and me into the same financial frame of mind. It adds a totally different perspective to "and the two shall become one flesh."

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