Friday, February 5, 2010

November 20, 2009

Thanksgiving. It doesn't normally fill me with dread, but this time around it does. What will my parents say when they see this place? The shack. We've been living here now for almost a month, and still there are boxes everywhere. We don't have any shelving on the walls, no doors, well besides the one on the bathroom. Still NO HEAT. It's been cold, especially since the crawl space is open and a cold draft comes right into the house.

Five. That's the number of mice that Glenn has caught this week, and he finally got Cleonitus the Mouse. That little sucker escaped four different traps and pooped in my silverware drawer every night for 4 straight nights! Finally, victory was ours just last night when he was enticed by the peanut butter.
I hate bees, and I hate mice too. Something else I hate, roaches. But let's not talk about them.

I think my mother may flip out when she sees just how small our place is. That, and its disorganization. She's a "woman on a mission." Give her a task, and the job WILL get done. She's one woman you want on your side. And, as much as I love her, she was the one who didn't think living here would be possible. I hope that she is supportive and realizes that we have a goal. Our goal is to become debt free. Living here will allow that to happen. Bees, mice, cold and all...we have a goal...I have to keep that at the front of my mind these days.

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