Friday, February 5, 2010

Snowpocolipse: Adventures of a Pioneer Woman!

Baby crying in the crib fighting her nap, small fire in the wood stove that just won't start, and knowing that my hubby won't be coming home for the next three days.....
Seriously? I will probably get snowed in right here in the shack. I'm praying that the power will stay on...but of course, I am Pioneer Woman so I have a huge bucket of water in the bathroom and three additional gallons to get me through a few days. Only having heat from the wood stove, without the blower, may be difficult. Not having power in general would be tough. Glenn is right down the road about 25 minutes being put up in a hotel by the company so that he can actually get to work tomorrow. Not a chance that he'll make it out on our dirt roads tomorrow morning. So, I get to be a single parent for the next few days. This should be interesting.

I've been alone with my thoughts almost all day today. Unfortunately, a 9 month old and a black lab just don't seem to be great conversationalists. Apart from the occasional phone call to see how the baby and I are doing, it's quiet. I open the door and can hear the snow falling. What's God saying in all of this?
The only thing that comes to mind are the lyrics to a song. "Through it all. Through it all. I've learned to trust in Jesus. I've learned to trust in God. Through it all. Through it all. I've learned to depend on His Word." Enough said.

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