Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dryer Tears

Yesterday, I was watching TV, and suddenly, there is was... a red, energy efficient Kenmore dryer. A perfect load of laundry was being dried and then steamed in minimal time. I watched the commercial, holding my breath, and felt wet tears rolling down my cheeks. I was crying over a dryer?!

A moment of self pity, I admit. I started thinking about how I can only wash 3-4 towels in our little mini-compact washer at one time, and fit even less in the dryer if I actually want it to dry in under an hour. Am I grateful that we actually have access to a washer and dryer? Absolutely. Am I frustrated that it takes me 4 loads to wash my clothes and running the dryer over 90 minutes to get each load dry. Uh, YEAH!
Living here has its challenges. Should we talk about the stink bugs that are popping up everywhere? In the baby's crib, on my jeans, on the window sill, flying past the couch, landing on the walls, invading my space...my limited space...or the baby skunk that was scurrying down the middle of the road on our way home from the store? Or, the fact that I wear mud boots to get out my front door so that I don't trudge through the thick muddles of mangled madness...
Ah yes, the joys of country living. I definitely admit that it's easy to feel sorry for yourself when you start looking around at what others have and what you have to go through, or are choosing to go through.
But, the truth is- living here is much easier when I only focus on myself and what I'm called to. The moment that I start comparing myself, I lose my focus. God help me to keep my eyes on You.

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